Come to discover the fabulous story of the Morel torrent!
During a fun hike, the story of this natural heritage is told to the walkers.
In the prayers of the Tarentaise, it was said in the past: "My God, preserve me from the waters of the Morel, from Mandrin and his henchmen". Today the Morel is a peaceful mountain stream, one of the wonders of the Alps, according to connoisseurs. Along its banks, tourists and locals alike stroll to enjoy the coolness of its waterfalls and shady paths.
However, for centuries, it was one of the most formidable torrents in Savoie. Men had to deploy ardour and ingenuity to protect themselves from the future ravages of this torrent.
Have you heard of the secret weapon, a colossal 1 km long structure that men built to try to overcome the Morel? Some of them lost their lives to protect their own!
This is the incredible story that you will discover through the account of Pierre and his grandfather Augustin.
The story of a torrent that has become a wonder, and was once the scourge of the Aigueblanche Valleys!
This "told" path offers 10 "discovery stations" with commentary.
Respectful of the environment, the Communauté de Commune des Vallées d'Aigueblanche wanted a site in perfect harmony with its natural surroundings: eco-design of the educational material (interpretation aids, signposting, etc.) and the leisure furniture (tables, benches, etc.).
From the Bellecombe bridge walk 500m with a 30m difference in height to the picnic area.
From the picnic area to the waterfall, walk 800m with a difference in height of 80m.
Route GPX track
Rue du Pré Servier, D94, (Pont de Bellecombe), 73260, Grand-Aigueblanche