Fresco by Mistercouleur

Fresco by Mistercouleur image1


Children and adults use origami to represent rabbits and squirrels, a colorful fresco on "living together".
A painter and illustrator for over twenty years, he creates frescoes mainly in the Grenoble region. His pictorial work is essentially based on the representation of characters in various imaginary and dreamlike scenes, in which he integrates optical illusions to "disturb" the viewer's vision while adding originality... Passionate about origami, he likes to use, in some of my wall or paper creations, folded subjects as decorative elements. The artist has created a fresco on the theme of nature and origami, a colorful country scene on the theme of "living together", through two different animal breeds that live side by side, the rabbit and the squirrel.


Free access.


73600, Moûtiers